Alieno Computus Series - (Differential Calculations)

Calculations (Computus in Latin) is a deliberate process for transforming one or more inputs into one or more results with a variable change.
The artwork in Alieno Computus (Differential Calculations) Series reflect a state of becoming, a route that may be taken or a gate that may be opened.

Title: [Natura Computus] - Calculations of Nature
Acrylics on canvas - 18' x 24'

Nature has countless possible transformations on this Earth according to our actions and beliefs.
One or more will be concrete.

Spero Computus Volatilis Computus
Natura Computus Nativitas Computus
Sanus Computus Mandala Computus
Aqua Computus

©2011 Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved