Weather Report Series

Weather in these past years has become an important issue for all of us. And specially in my case - since I moved from a tropical country to live in Texas - the weather has come to play a major part in my life due to Texas’s tendency for extreme climate conditions.

Things that I took for granted all my life - such as a mild winter and a summer which could very easily be spent outdoors drastically changed to a cold winter with ice rain and a need to spend the summer indoors with air conditioning.

Spring time that always my favorite season became a beautiful, but stormy and sometimes a fearful season.
And the Fall, earlier inexpressive in the southern hemisphere of my origins became the most beautiful and pleasant season with clear skies.

In these paintings I bring forth the inherent beauty of these weather conditions and my feelings as they relate to each of them.

Title: [Summer] - Dry and Hot
Acrylics on canvas - 20' x 20'

The sun’s white light looms overpoweringly over all the colors and the outside is seen through tinted windows of cars, houses and sunglasses.

Volatilis Computus

©2011 Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved