Assemblage Sculptures | 10

Title: [Natura Mechanica] - Series Factories
Wall hanging assemblage sculptures with found objects
Size: 19x21x4in

A mechanical view of the Nature. Read my comments






My comments

    First row at the bottom:
    How the Earth works, her womb - copper plumbing as magma (3rd & 4th columns) & water (2nd & 5th columns)
    underneath, flowing -from left to right - in a non stop process (1st & 6th columns)
    On the 2nd row:
    Germination proccess, the Earth is warm and she is doing her work.
    The water is coming down to irrigate the soil (2nd column)
    and germinate the seeds - the small bottles (4th column).
    A light bulb as the light of sun (4th column),
    the round shape (3rd column) is the Sun’s warmth.
    (Above, the same symbol will be shown again now as the Sun - the 4th row, 6th column
    A flower is ready to blossom (5th column)
    The water is flowing - again (1st & 6th columns)
    Third row:
    Seeds in germination (1st & 6th columns)
    Forth row at right:
    The Sun is doing his work... (6th column)
    Main opening:
    Birds are being created (in cigar glass tubes!) Forth & fifth row:
    The birds are here!
    Top row:
    The Moon shows up (1st column) and flowers are blossoming.
    Above everything, at the top, the round object:
    the Main Source, which creates the Nature.

©2015 Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved